Landscape Artist Residency Hero


Arts on Tour launched the Backroads Initiative in 2022 to support the touring of professional work to non-professional venues, with the aim of extending our audience reach and activating alternative venues in smaller towns across NSW.

Backroads builds on the success of the former Community Presenter Touring Grant which supported a range of performing arts tours across regional and remote NSW.

Backroads can support up to 50% of the performance/delivery fee (including touring costs) of a touring production.

Applicants can submit a proposal to:

  • Extend a regional tour to one or more non-professional venues in regional NSW;
  • Support a new tour to two or more non-professional venues in regional NSW.

Who can apply?

For the purposes of the Backroads initiative, applicants may be an individual or organisation who takes on the responsibility of presenting a professional production or performance in a non-professional venue, including financial management, fee negotiation, contracting, marketing and technical provisions. 

An applicant may be a:

  • Regional arts organisation;
  • Community group;
  • Local council;
  • Lead organisation representing a consortium of non-professional venues;
  • Tour coordinator or Producer (defined as the person or organisation who is taking the financial risk on the tour);
  • Professional performing arts presenter coordinating a ‘mini tour’ to non-professional venues as part of a regional tour;
  • Self-presenting artist or producer.


To find out if Backroads is for you, read the Guidelines included in the sidebar. 

You can also email Kate Gaul for further information. 

The April Round is now closed. Stay tuned for details of when the next Round opens.


The April 2022 Backroads Round is now closed.

Join our mailing list and Facebook page to keep up to date as we announce future rounds. For more information email Kate Gaul. 


Backroads Initiative Guidelines 2022

Backroads Initiative Budget Template 2022

If you're involved with a community-run venue or you're a producer with a work you'd love to get out to smaller towns and remote communities, we'd love to talk to you. 

Give us a call or send an email to Kate Gaul.