Dubbo Theatre

what we DO

Arts on Tour has a broad national perspective and a deep knowledge of the touring sector. We are widely recognised for setting the benchmark for best practice tour development and delivery, with a strong commitment to working collaboratively, culturally activating communities, developing artists and audiences, and advocating for a vibrant, diverse and sustainable arts sector. For more about our purpose, visit About.

Touring is a deeply collaborative and interconnected business. To bring arts experiences to communities across Australia involves not only artists and producers, venues and presenters but tour coordinators like AOT, funding bodies and all three tiers of government to finance, build and coordinate national tours. Working with all the cogs in this complex touring machine, a big part of what we do is assist with navigating the sector.

HOW we do it

Funded by Arts NSW, we primarily support NSW companies, artists and producers at all levels, and work with presenters nationally across Australia.

‘Producers’ in touring language refers to makers of work, including independent artists, performing arts organisations, creative producers and producing organisations. We work with producers across the sector, large and small, and across genres, making work for conventional mainstage venues and alternative or studio venues. More...

‘Presenters’ in touring language are the organisations or individuals taking the risk on presenting the work to audiences, including venue managers of professional performing arts centres (PACs) as well as local councils and community groups who present work in community-run venues. More...

To see the producers and presenters we're currently working with, click here